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Dog(s), Cat(s), Fish
They don't have a police check
From: 2 Mar 2025
Until: 26 Feb 2027
Not stated
They don't have referees/references
My husband and I are explorers and animal lovers. We own a house for the past 30 years that is our pride and joy. I am a social worker and my husband is retired. We love to visit other places in the world and our two children have graduated college and live on their own . We are looking for opportunities to visit other areas with minimal cost in return for animal / house sitting services.
This time of our lives as empty nesters gives us an opportunity to travel and explore new areas. We have always loved traveling and exploring.
We have have always owned dogs and cats throughout our lives. Currently we have one small dog, Alfie. We also have experience watching our friends pets.
We are mature and responsible. We are experienced caring for animals and our own house. We are kind and easy going and willing to follow all your requests and love your animals while you are away .
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Caribbean, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Laos, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, North East Asia, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, South East Asia, South Korea, South Pacific, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States
From: 2 Mar 2025
Until: 26 Feb 2027
They don't charge for house sitting services
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