Adding photos to your photo is now a snap! Sorry, bad pun. First, make sure you are logged in. Then click on the "Edit my listing" link from your Dashboard. If you haven't created your listing yet, it will be created for you.
On the edit listing page, you first need to go to 'Step 2 - Photos'. Once there, click the blue 'Upload' or 'Upload/edit photos' button. This will open our image editor. Then you can drop your pics anywhere to upload, or click the 'Select photos' button to choose images to upload. Works on mobile phones too!
Be patient – it may take a while to upload. When your done, select the 'Return to my listing' link and viola!
Need more details?
You can choose which image to feature on the search results and as the main image in your listing. To do this, click the blue 'Upload/edit photos' button again from your listing, then click the 'star' icon on the thumbnail.
To delete an image, same as above, but click on the 'bin' or 'garbage can' icon instead.
You can also crop your image using the crop tool. Please also note that your image may appear differently, depending on whether it's viewed on a mobile device, tablet or desktop.
You can upload any image as long as it's a JPEG, PNG or GIF formatted image. For the technical minded, it needs to be less than 8Mb, or smaller than 4000 pixels across, and larger than 1000px across. Captions can be added when you upload an image, or click the 'edit' link under the thumbnail to bring up the caption edit screen.
If your having problems uploading a photo, please check the following in order to help resolve the problem:
1. Logout of MindMyHouse and login again.
2. Refresh your web browser by clicking on the 'Refresh' button in your web browser toolbar
3. Check that your image isn't too large
4. Check that your image has the correct format and filename (eg. jpg).
5. Ensure you have JavaScript enabled
6. If that doesn't work, try another web browser, or your phone (yes, we've tested this and it works nicely via your phone).
You are also welcome to send us your images as attachments to We can then try to upload your photos to your listing for you.
Lastly, if you are using an iPhone to take your pictures, it may be that your photos are in the HEIC image format, which we don't support. You will need to convert them (see isntructions below):
The inserted file will be in jpeg format automatically.
Can you tell us how you took the photos? Were they via your phone? It may be that they are in the wrong format. Some mobile phones do save images in a different format, which we don't support (eg. HEIF or HEIC), and thus you may need to convert them to JPEG first.