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Support Centre – Sample owner listings

1. Californian bungalow within driving distance of the beach

We are looking for the services of a reliable, dog-loving house sitter for three weeks in July. Our house is very nicely designed, clean and ready for your tender loving care.

What responsibilities are required of the house sitter?
Our two dalmations are not quite so clean but are very friendly and happy when they get their nightly walk (it’s cooler at night), feeding and some nice human companionship. Plus we’d need you to do all the usual stuff. The garden will need a daily watering with the hose and we’d like you to start the car every so often. More detail in our return email.

What are the good features of the property and location?
Come and enjoy the Californian summer from one of three hammocks on our verandah. Use of a car is negotiable as the coast is ten miles away. On the hottest days there’s still lovely fresh air blowing through the French doors. Or you could resort to the aircon and in-home cinema system. Your choice.

What does the house sitter need to consider before applying for this assignment?
We are looking forward to your detailed email saying why this house sitting assignment is for you. Then we would like to meet before finalizing the arrangement. Address your email to Glen and Mathew (the humans) and Rod and Stewart (the dogs). If you’re offended by gay lifestyles this is not the house sit for you!

2. Inner city manchester

We are looking for a responsible, mature, friendly, pet-loving person/couple to care for our comfortable, well-equipped house, small garden and three pets while we are on holiday.

What responsibilities are required of the house sitter?
The most important things to us are that the animals (two cats and a four-month old puppy) feel loved and secure; that our home is enjoyed and cared for responsibly; and that our plants don't die!

What are the good features of the property and location?
We inhabit the best of both worlds – a quiet tree-lined family neighbourhood full of very friendly, sociable people, yet within easy reach of all the fantastic amenities the city has to offer. You’ll be only minutes from the centre of town and Manchester’s famous club scene by public transport.

What does the house sitter need to consider before applying for this assignment?
Our puppy is going through a soppy stage so would appreciate if she could sleep with you. Plus our cats have to be chased out of the house every night and rounded up in the morning. The house is on three levels (the kitchen is on the ground floor, the bathroom on the first floor and the bedrooms on the second and third floors) so you would need to be able to manage stairs to stay here. If you think you fit the bill, we'd love to hear from you.

3. Hogmanay in Edinburgh

I have a small one bedroom flat in Edinburgh’s city centre. I am looking to go on holiday for a month (December to January) and need a house sitter (just one preferably as space is limited) to mind two cats and a dog.

What responsibilities are required of the house sitter?
I have two house cats who require daily cuddles, feeding and cleaning out of the cat litter tray – they are fairly low maintenance although they are very loving animals and will pester you for attention. There will also be a dog staying over for the four weeks and she requires a minimum of two walks a day and is also very attentive. She is a young Staffordshire Bull Terrier and very active and loving. The flat itself does not require much up keep at all, your main duty would be loving and caring for the animals as they all require much love and attention!

What are the good features of the property and location?
You will be house sitting over New Year so you get the opportunity to spend Hogmanay in Edinburgh! You may be lucky enough to see one of Europe’s most beautiful cities covered in snow. Hogmanay is one of the biggest (and most civilized) street parties in Europe!

What does the house sitter need to consider before applying for this assignment?
The flat is relatively tiny and there is no garden to maintain. Couples are suitable for this although you should bear in mind that the flat is fairly small! The flat is a bit scruffy with posters on the walls and a big collection of cat and dog stuff in the lounge. The TV works (most of the time) although we don’t have an outside aerial so reception can be a wee bit patchy (we’re living behind Edinburgh castle).

4. Animal lover required for suburban Denver housesit

We are looking for animal-loving, caring and responsible sitter(s) to take care of our house and pets while we are on vacation for ten nights. Our house is located in Littleton, Colorado, in a small, quiet subdivision in the Denver suburbs (SW of Denver).

What responsibilities are required of the house sitter?
We have two Pomeranian dogs and a Blue-front Amazon parrot. Having someone who has experience in handling larger birds is preferred, since his routine includes ‘out-of-the-cage’ time twice a day. All three (including the bird) are a little high-maintenance in terms of feeding requirements – they get microwaved food (with medication mixed in for the dogs) twice each day, in addition to dry-food diets. They are well-behaved pets that are accustomed to getting a lot of attention. And other than the feeding, are pretty low-maintenance.

What are the good features of the property and location?
Our home is fairly average, packed with furnishings and decorative touches that we hope you’ll agree are in good taste. We’ve got an electric Hammond organ you may want to play as well as all the usual sports and news channels on cable. Our neighbors will say hi to you but otherwise your time will be your own (but hopefully spent with our animals of course).

What does the house sitter need to consider before applying for this assignment?
You must be non-smoker(s), have references and bring no pets of your own. Please respond if you are interested. Thanks! Andrea and Klaus.

5. Housesitter sought for beautiful upstate NY

We are looking for a house sitter or couple to care for our large beautiful upstate New York Victorian home for four months.

What responsibilities are required of the house sitter?
Duties would include minor maintenance and house cleaning as needed, feeding two indoor/outdoor cats, and some snow removal. We would be ‘closing down’ most of the house (and taking our usual staff with us) so you would only be expected to live in and maintain one of the en suite bedrooms, a study room and the informal living and kitchen areas.

What are the good features of the property and location?
The house is situated on two hundred acres that includes a six acre pond, and forty acres of woodlands and fields. A private and plowed road allows for a lovely natural setting. The house has many amenities that you would be free to enjoy such as a home cinema, a broadband internet connection and indoor swimming.

What does the house sitter need to consider before applying for this assignment?
We are located three and a half hours by car from New York city and Boston. Some of our previous house sitters have complained about feeling isolated while at our house. If you enjoy nature and privacy this setting would suit you. You’ll have the use of one of our cars so you can make regular trips into the nearby towns for provisions.

6. Small community lifestyle near San Diego

We are looking for a trustworthy individual to care for our two dogs and perform minimal household upkeep at our bungalow in California for three months from September to November (flexible).

What responsibilities are required of the house sitter?
We are looking for a responsible, liberal-minded person who will care for our home and our pets (an elderly mother and daughter pair of daschunds) with the utmost care (they require daily medication and cuddles) while we’re away.

What are the good features of the property and location?
Our house is comfortable but not luxurious. We are into Balinese décor so our house has a cool and spacious feel with lots of dark wood and rattan furniture. There’s space in our driveway for your vehicle so parking would be no problem (no permit required). The dogpark is only ten minutes walk away and there’s a public golf course which you can reach by bus. The best thing about Ramona is the community health food shop and the friendly people you’ll meet!

What does the house sitter need to consider before applying for this assignment?
We live approximately forty miles north east of San Diego. Ramona is a relatively small community and somewhat removed from the urban sprawl of San Diego County. If you aren't adverse to an hour long commute, and welcome a laidback atmosphere, then you won't mind the location. If interested, please supply us with a well-rounded description of what you are looking for, and what qualifications you have to offer. If you’re offended by gay/lesbian lifestyles then please don’t reply to this listing!

7. New Jersey or bust

We are looking for a very clean, responsible, non-smoking mature female or couple to take care of our new home in a quiet New Jersey suburb for six weeks on either side of Christmas (three months in total).

What responsibilities are required of the house sitter?
The property is zero maintenance but we have one cat that needs daily feeding and a little TLC. You’ll be required to forward any mail and phone messages to us. We just need you to be there (every night if possible) to live in our home as if it were your own.

What are the good features of the property and location?
The house backs onto a pond with great fishing (you can use my rods, tackle and bait, although you’ll have to wrap up warm and break a hole in the ice to fish). It’s a pretty average three-bedroom house, although we like it! We have a Jacuzzi and a newly built entertaining area out the back. We’re into big game hunting so there are a few deer heads, antlers and antique guns decorating the walls in the living room (but these can go into storage if you like).

What does the house sitter need to consider before applying for this assignment?
Our place is only a few minutes walk to the train station where there is a direct train to NYC so commuting would be a possibility. References a must. Smokers OK. Please phone Derek during business hours only.

8. Dog lover required for Christmas holiday in West Indies

This is a slightly unusual housesit, but it could be a great opportunity for the right person or people! I live in the Turks and Caicos Islands in the British West Indies and require a live in dog sitter to care for my rather large but very low maintenance pack of eight rescue dogs. I want to return to my family in the UK for Christmas. We are looking for a professional dog sitter and peace of mind, in return you get Christmas and new year in the Caribbean!

What responsibilities are required of the house sitter?
The house is easy to maintain (it’s quite large but fully tiled with lots of up-to-date amenities). Managing the dogs is easy because we have all the facilities here to care for them. They live outside in a separate enclosure from the house. They need two daily meals and enjoy their evening walk in an adjoining forest park. Don’t worry, they know the way, they don’t need to be put on leads and they always come when called.

What are the good features of the property and location?
Where do I start? We have seaviews and a cool delicious breeze running right through the open-plan house. Enjoy the beach (six minutes walk in your sandals), dive, swim or just kick back and sunbathe, whatever. You get the use of our car (small but reliable) and we will pay for your flights from mainland USA.

What does the house sitter need to consider before applying for this assignment?
Eight dogs may seem a daunting prospect to take on so only apply for this if you’re confident managing large pack of dogs. They don’t bite but they’re big and sloppy, noisy and love playing with each other.

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