They have 8 testimonials (view below)
Dog(s), Cat(s), Horse/Donkey(s), Chicken(s), Fish, Rabbit(s), Tortoise/Turtle(s), Farm animal(s), Other animal(s) – Peacocks
They don't have a police check
From: 29 Dec 2024
Until: 31 Dec 2028
Not stated
They don't have referees/references
We, Ralf (62) and Susanne (60), love to travel the world and go for new experiences. We are living our dream now for more than 30 years together. We love the nature and spend a lot of our time with hiking, cycling and other outdoor activities.
We are curious to other ways of life, day-to-day life experience in different cultures and also love to care for pets and gardening.
We already have some experience in housesitting, e.g. a long term sit on Langkawi Island (Malaysia) including pet sitting, gardening and hosting guests. We also did house and pet sitting (long and short term) in Belgium, Costa Rica, Germany, Panama, Spain (Main Land, Balearic and Canarian Islands) and The Netherlands with various animals like dogs, cats, sheep, chicken, horses, turtles, fish, peacocks, rabbits... and loved them all.
We are respectful to other belongings, trustfully and reliable. We can care for your pets, keep your house and garden safe, clean and tidy. We try to solve problems on our own and usually find solutions.
Africa, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Caribbean, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Laos, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Middle East, Monaco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, North East Asia, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South East Asia, South Korea, South Pacific, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam
From: 29 Dec 2024
Until: 31 Dec 2028
They don't charge for house sitting services
Age: 56-65 years old
Family status:
Languages spoken: German, English, Spanish
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Thank You !!!!!
Liebe Susanne, lieber Ralf, auch auf diesem Weg möchten wir uns nochmals bei Euch für die 7 Wochen Housesitting bei uns in Costa Rica bedanken. Wir konnten Dank Euch das erste Mal nach über 7 Jahren zusammen in den Urlaub und unsere Tiere (Hund und Katze), Haus und Garten waren in dieser Zeit in sehr guten Händen. Auch die typischen Schwierigkeiten, welche im Jungle eben auftreten können, habt Ihr toll gemeistert. (defekte Stromleitung durch umgestürzte Bäume, Wanderameisen, defekter Kühlschrank, ...). Wir hoffen, auch für Euch war die Zeit hier mitten im Jungle ein Erlebnis und eine weitere Bereicherung in Eurem Leben. Für alles zusammen und auch einzeln jeweils 6 Sterne auf der 5 Sterne Skala :-) Liebe Grüße an Euch von uns vier Urwäldlern.
Ina, Costa Rica, 26 May 2024
3 weeks house and animal sitting in Leuven, Belgium
From the very first moment we talked to them, were 200% at ease and in trust that Susanne and Ralf would take good care of our dog, cats, chicken, house and garden. The experience proved that we were right. We could spend our far-away holiday in complete peace and trust that everyhting was in caring hands with them. The messages and photos they sent every few days were another confirmation that our pets liked their sitters very much. When we returned, the house was very tidy and clean. Too bad that Susanne and Ralf had to endure the bad weather - lots of rain - and couldn't maximally enjoy the garden and make long hikes and bike-tours. We will surely call upon them again for our next long trip. Anne & Mark
Anne, Belgium, 13 Aug 2023
Dream housesitter status confirmed
So lucky that Susanne and Ralf wanted to come again. Especially as with that they knew already their way around our house and animals and with that, it made our take off so much easier. It was like 'there you are and what made you take so long to come again... knowing that they are welcomed all over the world with their capabilities and love' - If you are looking for a reliable and very sweet couple - thats them. To Susanne and Ralf: Please come as often as you like :-)
sylvia, Germany, 22 May 2023
Kind and reliable couple
We had the pleasure to have Susanne and Ralf as house sitters for three weeks during the 2022 holiday period. They took good care of our apartment, our garden and of course of our beloved cat, Lea. They sent regular updates and pics of Lea snuggling with them, proving that she was obviously feeling safe. Susanne and Ralf were available to have a videocall with us during the selection process, and also to arrive a day prior to our departure to get to know Lea properly and receive some instructions in person. When we returned, the apartment was super clean and tidy and Lea very happy. In general a very positive experience, we definitely recommend them for your sittings.
Lara, Germany, 9 Jan 2023
Susannne & Ralf - Germanys dream couple!
Susanne and Ralf, we just loved having them at our place. They are all you can wish for, if you are looking for an extraordinary reliable housesitter. On top of that they built beautiful houses out of carton for your cats! ;-)
sylvia, Germany, 3 Dec 2022
Sehr verantwortungsbewusst, organisiert, strukturiert, ordentlich, tierlieb
Susanne und Ralf waren 3 Monate bei uns, haben uns vertreten, die Anlage ist nicht klein, Haus, Garten, Tierheimtiere, das kann manchmal schon anstrengend sein, bzw. man kann auf die eigenen Grenzen stossen, z.B. bei subropischen Klima, direkt am Meer, in Teneriffa, Kakerlaken und Wollläuse können einem schon die Arbeit nicht einfach machen, zumindestens zeitweise. Tierheimtiere, 2 Rüden können auch sehr anspruchsvoll sein, denke, dass sie hier auch wichtige Erfahrungen für sich machen konnten, diese Herausforderungen konnten sie sehr gut bewältigen, jeder auf seine Art und weise, manchmal wünschte ich mir, dass sie mehr die Schönheit der Anlage, der Insel Teneriffa, mehr hätten geniessen können, das hätte ich mir für sie sehr gewünscht, ich würde sie als Haussitter wieder haben wollen, ich hoffe, dass sie irgendwann wieder kommen und mehr Entspannung hier erleben können.Danke, dass ihr euch soviel Mühe gegeben habt und hoffentlich bis irgendwann.
nadine, 21 November, 2022
Housesitter in Capmany
I was very happy to have them in my house. Susanne and Ralf were very reliable. They let me know at once when there was a problem and we were looking all together to resolve the problem. They looked well after my chicken and the cat and I could feel calm. The house was clean and tidy when we came back and they received us with a nice meal. I can recommend them very well and hope they would like to come again to my house one day.
Birgit, Spain, 31 Oct 2022
Susanne and Ralf are a lovely couple who sat our house for +- 3 weeks which felt good. We only met one day before we left but had a video call a couple of month before which already felt good. They stayed in contact when something was up, the house was clean and tidy when we came back, the garden was done!
Birgitte, Netherlands, 5 Sep 2022