We're an established global matching service dedicated to bringing home owners and house sitters together online. By searching our database you may be able to find that perfect person you've been looking for. House sitting can be a free arrangement that benefits all parties (especially Fluffy).
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Sorry but we don't support Discover & Diners Club cards (US)
Read our new home owner member guide
This guide contains all you need to know about becoming a home owner and for existing members too.
You can also pay in other currencies – the latest conversion rates from US$ are: Euro€26, Can$38, Aus$43, UK£23, NZ$46, US$29.
Read our new house sitter member guide
This guide contains all you need to know about becoming a house sitter and for existing members too.
You can also pay in other currencies – the latest conversion rates from US$ are: Euro€26, Can$38, Aus$43, UK£23, NZ$46, US$29.
Please note that we don't automatically renew your memberships!
We do not keep your credit card details and would never presume to automatically renew your annual membership. Instead, we send you an email reminder one month before your account expires, with an invitation to renew your membership. If you go ahead, you will then have to re-enter your credit/debit card details again.