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My Assignments

My total house sits completed figure is wrong (or too low)

There may be a few reasons why this has happened:

  • We only started collecting data about this type of site activity from April 2020. It may be that your assignment was from before this date.
  • The home owner didn't use MindMyHouse to select you (they may have emailed you instead).
  • The home owner may have disputed that you successfully completed the assignment and MindMyHouse, after investigation, has either agreed or the outcome is still pending.

If any of these apply, please use the Completed assignments form to submit any assignments you completed before then.

If the house sitting assignment was arranged on another house sitting website (eg. Trusted House Sitters), you can use the 'Bring my reputation' form instead.

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ps. a real human will get back to you, not a bot!